Before creating a blog you have to keep some of the things in mind from the very starting that will help you to properly in your desired aim. If you are willing to become one of the most popular blogger or you wish to make your blog as popular in your niche your focus will have to be on the blog reader you are having. If your intention is to make money from blogging then you should realize that your income will be dependent upon the people who are visit your blog. These are the people who will eventually decide how popular your blog is or how successful your promoting is, so loosing readers ultimately cause you to loosing money in direct or indirect way. Just consider that you are writing for the readers not for yourself when your aim is to make money from your blog.

Here are the important things you should remember if you are counting it as a business blog or income earning blog.

Let your readers know about you

Allow your readers to get some information about who you are and why do you do blogging. Gaining a trust is very important as it will make them comfortable and and your readers will be eager to visit your site. Sharing interests and some of the personal information will make more transparency between you and your reader.
If you are following some campaigns like selling products or marketing products then your reader should be know about the author . People will hesitate to purchase products if they are not knowing about the author or they are not familiar with him.

Comments on Other Blogs

To make visitor on your blog you should become visitor fist on other blogs. Visit other blogs you found for ideas and help on contents, designs, or even to see what others are talking about. Participate and leave some helpful, insightful, or informative comments on there blog so that you will be creating a identity of both you and your blog.

Linking and Back linking

When posting on blogs take advantage of great content you may found in other blogs and credit the source on your blog. By linking to other sites in this manner you will help you to make create back links from that site some flow of traffic from their site.

Research Your Contents

Before posting anything on your blog be sure it is accurate and helpful to your readers. Do not show yourself as an expertise on something you do not know or you only know few about it. Be ready to do the research if you are not already an expert and over time you will gain the recognition.

Be Thankful to Your Readers

As we spoke earlier that your blog readers will be responsible for your success in any circumstances. Keeping this in mind appreciate your readers for their loyalty and faith which will only help to strengthen the bond between you and them.

Always keep your ultimate goal in your mind when creating a blog. Your blog was created for the blog reader and their enjoyment. By satisfying the needs of the visitors to your site you will put yourself in the position to become one of the most popular blogs in your niche. If you are blogging to make money then this will be of obvious importance to you since it will directly impact your income.